Tag error: <txp:tru_tags_if_has_tags>
<p class="articlekeywords">
Keywords: <txp:php>
$keywords = parse('<txp:tru_tags_from_article />');
echo str_replace(',', ' | ', $keywords);
</txp:tru_tags_if_has_tags> -> Textpattern Notice: tru_tags_if_has_tags tag is not registered while parsing form article_keywords on page blog
Tag error: <txp:comments_form wraptag="div" isize="40" msgcols="70" msgrows="8" class="commentsform" /> -> Textpattern Notice: isize attribute is deprecated. while parsing form default on page blog
Tag error: <txp:comments_form wraptag="div" isize="40" msgcols="70" msgrows="8" class="commentsform" /> -> Textpattern Notice: msgrows attribute is deprecated. while parsing form default on page blog
Tag error: <txp:comments_form wraptag="div" isize="40" msgcols="70" msgrows="8" class="commentsform" /> -> Textpattern Notice: msgcols attribute is deprecated. while parsing form default on page blog
Tag error: <txp:php>
global $variable;
if (trim($_GET['l']) != '') $_SESSION['lang'] = $_GET['l'];
$variable['language'] = $_SESSION['lang'];
</txp:php> -> Notice: Undefined index: l while parsing form language_controller on page blog
Tag error: <txp:php>
global $variable;
if (trim($_GET['l']) != '') $_SESSION['lang'] = $_GET['l'];
$variable['language'] = $_SESSION['lang'];
</txp:php> -> Notice: Undefined index: lang while parsing form language_controller on page blog
New in Le foucaldien: German review article on Steffen Herrmann and Matthias Flatscher's "Institutionen des Politischen" (2020) by Burkhard Liebsch | G+C Blog
Tag error: <txp:tru_tags_from_article /> -> Textpattern Notice: tru_tags_from_article tag is not registered while parsing form article_keywords on page blog
This essay reviews Steffen Herrmann and Matthias Flatscher's edited volume Institutionen des Politischen: Perspektiven der radikalen Demokratietheorie (2020) with respect to the history of the distinction of politics and the political as well as to democratic forms of life that require resistance against anti-democratic misuse of political institutions. Finally, the article discusses how identification with such forms of life is possible so that any identitarian occupation of the question of who we are is defied.
Burkhard Liebsch: "Zur Instabilität des Politischen: zwischen Anarchie und demokratischem Versprechen. Rezension zum Sammelband Institutionen des Politischen (2020) von Steffen Herrmann und Matthias Flatscher," in: Le foucaldien, 7/1 (2021), DOI: 10.16995/lefou.99