Cornelius Borck
November 15, 2018 DOI: 10.13095/uzh.fsw.fb.227 CC BY 4.0 |
Tag error: <txp:tru_tags_from_article /> -> Textpattern Notice: tru_tags_from_article tag is not registered while parsing form article_keywords on page default
textpattern/lib/txplib_publish.php:563 trigger_error()
textpattern/lib/txplib_publish.php:409 processTags()
textpattern/publish/taghandlers.php(4301) : eval()'d code:2 parse()
textpattern/publish/taghandlers.php:4301 eval()
textpattern/vendors/Textpattern/Tag/Registry.php:138 call_user_func()
textpattern/lib/txplib_publish.php:559 Textpattern\Tag\Registry->process()
textpattern/lib/txplib_publish.php:409 processTags()
textpattern/plugins/tru_tags/tru_tags.php:121 parse()
history of science |
neurology |
neuro sciences |
phenomenology |
philosophy |
Lisa Malich
September 03, 2018 DOI: 10.13095/uzh.fsw.fb.222 CC BY 4.0 |
Keywords: epistemology | history of psychology | institution | latour | methodology | psychotherapy
Selbstbestimmung zwischen Philosophie und Psychologie
David Fraissl
August 16, 2018 DOI: 10.13095/uzh.fsw.fb.220 CC BY 4.0 |
Keywords: autonomy | intrinsic motivation | kant | philosophy | psychology | self-determination
Motive, Zielgruppen, Profile: Paul Lazarsfelds frühe Studien in Wien um 1930
Simon Ganahl
July 02, 2018 DOI: 10.13095/uzh.fsw.fb.214 CC BY 4.0 |
Keywords: dispositif | lazarsfeld | marketing | motive | profile | radio | target group | vienna
Zur Ökologie der Moral bei Bruno Latour
Gill Zimmermann
May 10, 2018 DOI: 10.13095/uzh.fsw.fb.210 editorial review CC BY 4.0 |
Keywords: actor-network | dwelling | ecology | ethics | heidegger | latour | modernity | morality
Die Ordnung der Geschichte: Vermittlung bei Foucault und Latour
Gottfried Schnödl
April 05, 2018 DOI: 10.13095/uzh.fsw.fb.207 CC BY 4.0 |
Keywords: actor-network | episteme | history | latour | modernity | relationalism | structuralism