"Sakralisierung des Sozialen", "Parteienregierung" und der "stets wesentliche Philosoph"
Maurice Erb
December 04, 2014 DOI: 10.13095/uzh.fsw.fb.68 editorial review CC BY 4.0 |
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textpattern/lib/txplib_publish.php:559 Textpattern\Tag\Registry->process()
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textpattern/plugins/tru_tags/tru_tags.php:121 parse()
biography |
existentialism |
government |
governmentality |
party |
social change |
socialism |
Maurice Erb
October 28, 2014 DOI: 10.13095/uzh.fsw.fb.65 editorial review CC BY 4.0 |
Keywords: binarism | concepts | genealogy | iran | law | neo-liberalism | resistance | sexuality | sovereignty | technologies of the self
Becker über Foucault über Becker - und Ewalds "Joker"
Maurice Erb
July 21, 2014 DOI: 10.13095/uzh.fsw.fb.50 editorial review CC BY 4.0 |
Keywords: biopolitics | chicago school | governmentality | human capital | liberalism | neo-liberalism | risk | security | subjectivation
Ein echter Bauer – als echter Dichter?
Versuch über einen Helden der Aufklärung
Simon Ganahl
April 29, 2014 DOI: 10.13095/uzh.fsw.fb.38 editorial review CC BY 4.0 |
Keywords: enlightenment | ethos | literature | media
Onur Erdur
January 14, 2014 DOI: 10.13095/uzh.fsw.fb.32 editorial review CC BY 4.0 |
Keywords: ecole normale | french theory | media | philosophy | television | truth
Andere Körper: Foucault, die Heterotopien, die Schnittstellen
Patrick Kilian
December 20, 2013 DOI: 10.13095/uzh.fsw.fb.31 editorial review CC BY 4.0 |
Keywords: body | cyborg | genealogy | heterotopia | media
Die Regierung der Sicherheit – Über das Mögliche und das Fiktive
Susanne Krasmann
December 05, 2013 DOI: 10.13095/uzh.fsw.fb.30 editorial review CC BY 4.0 |
Keywords: dispositif | liberalism | resistance | security